Women's Career Networking and Professional Associations with all details like mailing addresses, phone nos. emails and direct links to their web sites. This is a special gift working women. Detail is given below:
Networking organizations:
Advancing Women -- This International Network for Women in the Workplace highlights issues for the working woman. Includes an online career center, Today's Women's News feature, forums for discussion, links for networking with international women, personal services resources and links to similar sites. E-mail:
BellaOnline -- Online resource for women that has career and networking advice, as well as chat areas and discussion forums for online networking.
DinnerGrrls.org -- a great networking and mentoring site for women, from all over the world. Includes both online resources and network, as well as local chapters in some U.S. cities. For all women, from college student to CEO. Free to job-seekers.
iVillage.com -- Another online women's resource with career and networking advice, and chat areas and message boards for online networking.
Business Women's Network (BWN) -- Is dedicated to the promotion of business and professional women by providing assistance to corporations, businesswomen's organizations and state and federal agencies. BWN strives to be the authority on issues affecting businesswomen and the growth of women-owned businesses. Offers searchable online business women's network directory.
Women's Professional Organizations:
Selected women's professional organizations are provided here. To locate professional organizations specifically for women, use the
Gateway to Associations Online search engine. This search engine has a pull-down menu that enables you to select "women" as one of the search criteria.
American Association of University Women (AAUW)
1111 16th St., NW
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-785-7700
A national organization that promotes education and equity for all women and girls.
American Business Women's Association (ABWA)
9100 Ward Pkwy.
Kansas City, MO 64114-0728
Phone: 816-361-6621
Call the ABWA's national headquarters for local contacts.
American Medical Women's Association
Suite 400, 801 N. Fairfax St.
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703-838-0500
Serves female health professionals.
American Woman's Society of Certified Public Accountants (AWSCPA)
401 N. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Phone: 312-664-6610, 800-AWSCPA-1
FAX: 312-527-6783
The American Woman's Society of Certified Public Accountants is the devoted exclusively to the support and professional development of women CPAs. The society also addresses gender equity, the glass ceiling, work and family issues. To accomplish its mission, AWSCPA offers in-depth support in six important areas, including networking. AWSCPAÃs Web site has information about meetings and conferences as well as current job opportunities. Some areas of the site are open to members only.
Association for Women in Communications
3337 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703-370-7436
Fax: 703-370-7437
Offers a mentor program and an annual career day.
Association for Women in Computing
Suite 1006, 41 Sutter St.
San Francisco, CA, 94104
Phone: 415-905-4663
Serves programmers, analysts, technical writers, and entrepreneurs. Contact the national headquarters for local information.
Association for Women in Development (AWID)
Suite 825, 1511 K St., NW
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-628-0440
Serves women working on international-development issues.
American Women in Radio and Television (AWRT)
Suite 200, 1650 Tysons Blvd.
McLean, VA 22102
Phone: 703-506-3290
Serves women working in electronic media and related fields. Offers job-fax service.
Association for Women in Science (AWIS)
Suite 650, 1200 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-326-8940; 800-886-AWIS
The Association for Women in Science (AWIS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to achieving equity and full participation for women in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology. AWIS has more than 5,000 members in fields spanning the life and physical sciences, mathematics, social science, and engineering. Events at the 76 local chapters across the country facilitate networking among women scientists at all levels and in all career paths.
Association of Women in International Trade (WIIT)
PO Box 65962
Washington, DC 20035
Phone: 202-785-9842
Monthly events with speakers, periodic seminars on trade topics, and a job bank.
Business and Professional Women USA
1900 M Street NW, Suite 310
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-293-1100
Hosts meetings to discuss issues such as equity, job advancement, and networking.
Commercial Real Estate Women (CREW)
1201 Wakarusa Dr., Ste. C3
Lawrence, KS 66049
Phone: 785-832-1808
For women working in all facets of commercial real estate. Call the national headquarters for local contacts.
Financial Women International (FWI)
Suite 814, 200 N. Glebe Rd.
Arlington, VA 22203-3128
Phone: 703-807-2007
Formerly known as the National Association of Bank Women, FWI serves women in banking and financial services.
Federally Employed Women (FEW)
Suite 425, 1400 I St., NW
Washington, DC 20005-2252
Phone: 202-898-0994
Serves women in all levels of the federal government, including the military. Also offers a mentor program and seminars on policy and legislative processes.
International Alliance for Women in Music (IAWM)
Department of Music
George Washington University, NW
Washington, DC 20052
Phone: 202-994-6338
Serves composers, conductors, performers, and music lovers. Provides venues for female artists to perform and helps promote their shows.
National Association for Female Executives (NAFE)
60 East 42nd St., Suite 2700
New York, NY 10165
Phone: 212-351-6400
With some 250,000 members nationwide and abroad, the National Association for Female Executives (NAFE) is the nation's largest businesswomens' association. NAFE provides resources and services through education, networking, and public advocacy to empower its members to achieve career success and financial security. NAFEÃs Web site provides information about NAFE, its membership benefits and services, and NAFE networks around the country. It also includes articles and information about business and management, selected articles from NAFE's Executive Female magazine, and links to business-related sites.
National Association of Insurance Women
1847 E. 15th St.
Tulsa, OK 74104
Phone: 800-766-NAIW
Provides opportunities for woman in the insurance industry to expand their circle of business contacts and knowledge through association activities such as state meetings, regional conferences and a national convention. Call the national office to locate local chapters.
National Association of Women Business Owners
Suite 1100, 1511 K St., NW
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-638-5322
Leadership training and a network for women who have been in business for themselves for more than eight years.
National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. -- This nonprofit, volunteer organization is involved with community service, leadership develop and enhancing career opportunities through networking and programming. For information on NCBW chapters and programs in your area, contact the national headquarters at 212-947-2196, 38 West 32nd Street, Suite 1610, New York, New York 10001-3816. E-mail:
National Women's Political Caucus
Suite 425, 1211 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-785-1100
Leadership and campaign-training programs.
Organization of Women in International Trade (OWIT) -- The Organization of Women in International Trade (OWIT) is a non-profit professional organization designed to promote women doing business in international trade by providing networking and educational opportunities. Members include women and men doing business in all facets of international trade including finance, public relations, government, freight forwarding, international law, agriculture, sales and marketing, import/export, logistics, and transportation. Web site contains information about conferences, events, chapters in the United States and around the world, as well as a job bank. E-mail:
The Professional Business Women of Illinois (PBWI)
PO Box 151
Crystal Lake, IL 60039
Phone: 847-888-8551
PBWI's mission is to provide a gateway for professional and personal growth through continuing education, community involvement and a network of combined resources.
Society of Women Engineers
120 Wall St.
New York, NY 10005
Phone: 212-509-9577
Contact the national headquarters for local contacts.
Women in Advertising and Marketing
4200 Wisconsin Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20016
Phone: 301-369-7400
Monthly networking dinners, speakers bureau, job bank.
Women in Aerospace (WIA)
204 E Street NE
Washington, DC 20002
Phone: 202.547.0229
WIA is dedicated to expanding women's opportunities for leadership and increasing their visibility in the aerospace community. Offers networking and professional development opportunities.
Women in Housing and Finance (WHF)
6712 Fisher Ave.
Falls Church VA 22046
Phone: 703-536-5112
Monthly luncheons, a job bank, professional development, and special-interest groups on insurance, securities, technology.
Women in International Security (WIIS)
Center for Peace and Security Studies
Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
Georgetown University
Washington, DC 20005-1145
Phone: 202-687-3366
WIIS (pronounced "wise") is dedicated to enhancing opportunities for women working in foreign and defense policy. An international, nonprofit, non-partisan network and educational program, WIIS is open to both women and men at all stages of their careers.
Women in Technology International (WITI)
13351 D-Riverside Drive #441
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
Phone: 818-788-9484
WITI's mission is to empower women worldwide to achieve unimagined possibilities and transformations through technology, leadership and economic prosperity.
Women Presidents' Organization (WPO)
155 East 55th Street, Suite 4-H
New York, NY 10022
Phone: 212-688-4114
An organization for women whose businesses annually gross more than $2 million. The organization's mission states: improving business conditions for women entrepreneurs and promoting the acceptance and advancement of women entrepreneurs in all industries.
Women's Caucus for the Arts (WCA)
PO Box 1498, Canal St. Station
New York, NY 10013
Phone: 212-634-0007
Has established a national network through research, exhibitions, conferences and honor awards for achievement. Call the national headquarters for local contacts.
Women's Information Network (WIN)
Suite 635, 1511 K St., NW
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-347-2827
A Democratic group that serves mostly younger women. It features a job center and a well-reputed networking event, "Women Opening Doors for Women," in which high-level professional women share their experiences at informal dinner parties.
Women's National Book Association (WNBA)
3101 Ravensworth Pl.
Alexandria, VA 22302
Phone: 703-578-4023
Serves women in publishing, writing, and editing, as well as those who have an interest in books. Offers professional-development programs.